General Information Of iDealTek Electronics' Power Supplies

Learn about general information of our power supplies.

General Information

Input Voltage

Standard input voltage of our power supplies is Single-phase 220Vac or Three-phase 380Vac.


Line Regulation

The line regulation is an index used to measure the stability of the power supply output, which refers to the ratio of the output voltage or current change values to the power supply output rated values caused only by the change of the input.


Load Regulation

The load regulation is an index used to measure the stability of the power supply output, which refers to the ratio of the output voltage or current change values to the power supply output rated values caused only by the change of the load.

Response Time

Our power supplies' response time is measured within 10% ~ 90% load variance scope.

Output Overshoot

Our power supplies' output overshoot is measured within 10% ~ 90% load variance scope at 10% of rated value.


Power Supplies' output ripple is critical index to indicate the output precision of power supplies, our power supplies' ripple is measured within 50% ~ 100% rated output.

Constant Voltage (CV) And Constant Current (CC) Working Principle

Our DC Power Supplies are CC/CV power supply, having two working modes, CV mode & CC mode, two control modules, CV module & CC module.

In CV mode, output voltage adjustable, voltage regulation module works to control output voltage stable, output current changes with output voltage & load connect.

as per Ohm law, if you increase output voltage, then output current will also increase accordingly, once output current reaches CC value, then power supply enters CC mode, current regulation module works and control output current stable, output voltage changes with output current & load connect, vice versa, if you keep increasing output current, output voltage will also increase, and then once again into CV mode and on and on.

For example, we have one 1000V10A CC/CV power supply, load is 10 Ohm, we set output 1000V10A, then output would be only 100V10A, as power supply would works under CC mode, CC module control output current stable at CC value (10A).

CV / OC Mode (Available For MTP Series High Power DC Power Supplies Only)

Under CV / OC (over current) mode, besides CV function, power supply still has over-current working ability, (OCP is invalid in this mode), detailed parameters as below:
0% ~ 100% rated current value   continuous working with load
100% ~ 125% rated current value    withstand 600s continuous working
125% ~ 150% rated current value    withstand 60s continuous working
150% ~ 200% rated current value   withstand 5s continuous working
Power supply automatic protected and stops output when Max. Over-current time exceeded.
(Not valid for some high current outputs)

Remote Control Interfaces

Our power supplies support RS485 / RS232 communication port, DB9 / DB15 / DB50 analog control port for now.

Company Mission

Based on the iDealTek's broad power products line, with continuous technological innovation, to provide customers with ideal and reliable DC power supplies, high-voltage power supplies and special customized power supplies.

Contact Us

 No. 8 Wenchang Middle Road, Guangling District Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225003
Available from 8:30AM to 5:30PM (GMT+8)
 +86-15995130193 /
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